Thursday, June 8, 2017

Thursday Throwback: The Christmas Rose

I'm going way back today for my Thursday Throwback--all the way back to the first story I ever wrote, when I was about six or seven. I don't remember the title of the story, or its plot or characters, or pretty much anything. But I do remember the cover, because it has become a bit of a joke in my family. I spent a lot of time on the cover, designed on lined notebook paper with a ballpoint pen. In particular I remember writing at the top 'By the author of The Christmas Rose'. I showed it to my father and he was very impressed by my marketing skills--although the funny thing is, I didn't write a story called The Christmas Rose! I just knew you had that kind of thing at the top of your cover.

My father used to recall that story to say how he knew I'd make it as an author. He was one of the most encouraging people I have ever met, always full of boundless enthusiasm and belief for whatever one of his children was going to undertake. I remember whispering in his ear when I was around ten or so that I was going to write a book and have it published properly in time for Mother's Day. He told me he thought that was a wonderful idea, and I knew he believed it. He had complete confidence in me--although sadly that particular project never came to pass.

Having someone believe in you is a wonderful thing. I credit much of my success to my father, and I'm so glad for his presence in my life. He died nearly eighteen months ago and I still think about him every day. Here is a video of him taken a year before he died, with my youngest daughter.

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